
Attorney Effort in Preparing a Patent Application

The amount of time it takes an attorney to prepare a provisional application varies. The simplest application, requiring the least effort, is at one end of the spectrum. With this type of provisional application, the attorney simply takes the inventor’s existing disclosures and descriptions, formats them into a provisional application format, and files them as a provisional application. The client’s costs are reduced as a result.

At the other end of the spectrum, an attorney can put in nearly the same amount of effort as he or she would in preparing a complete patent application. It’s possible that one or more patent claims will be included. While this raises costs, it reduces the chance that the provisional application will be unable to support a later, complete, non-provisional application. At the far end of the range, some businesses file provisional applications. For this reason, it is advisable to hire the professionals, such as patent service InventHelp.

It goes without saying that applications prepared with more attorney effort will cost more, but they will also reduce the risk of later problems. Provisional applications at any level of attorney effort can make sense depending on the client’s goals and expectations. What’s important is that the client understands what he or she is getting and what they aren’t getting from the start, so there are no unmet expectations later on.

There’s also the risk of using the provisional application incorrectly. When drafting claims, attorneys conduct a thorough examination of the invention. This analysis entails determining which essential component parts are at the heart of the invention, as well as which details of the invention should be described in the specification and illustrated in the drawings. It is possible that an element necessary to claim the invention precisely will not be sufficiently described and shown if this analysis is omitted to save the cost of the entire application. As the invention becomes more complex, the chances of this happening increase as explained on this article – how do you patent an idea with InventHelp.

If later information is deemed necessary to allow claims, but it is not included in the provisional application and is only included in a later filed non-provisional application, only the non-provisional application’s filing date will be effective. As a result, prior art will no longer be based on the provisional application’s earlier filing date, and its benefit will be lost.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder used to be mainly associated with war veterans or people who are still currently serving in the military. But later analyses of PTSD Statistics have shown that this disorder is not exclusive to those in the military and in fact, it can affect anyone at any age regardless of gender and racial background.

Anyone who has ever been exposed to a traumatic event whether directly or indirectly is a possible candidate for PTSD. The symptoms may occur immediately after the incident or they may start to appear in later months or sometimes even years.

How Many People are Afflicted with this Disorder?

It is estimated that five million people in the United States are afflicted with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder every year. The differences only lie in the severity of the condition, age, gender and specific traumatic events that triggered the disorder.

This number is only a small portion of the actual number of people in New York who were exposed to traumatic events. These events include exposure to war, sexual abuse such as rape or an attempt thereof, mugging, robbery, and other events that posed threats of death or being severely harmed by the perpetrator. PTSD should be treated as soon as possible. To find a good PTSD in New York, it is best to search on internet. You can type something like “psychiatrist Rockville Centre NY” and you can start browsing the sites.

Gender and Age Statistics

It is approximated that women are more likely to suffer from PTSD ensuing a traumatic event. About eight percent of men who experienced traumatic events in their lives may suffer from PTSD while twenty percent of women exposed to traumatic occurrences are likely to be afflicted with PTSD.

Studies have likewise shown that of the teenage population, about forty percent of them have experienced something traumatic in their lives. Out of this forty percent, fifteen percent of girls and six percent of boys are more likely to suffer from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.

Other Factors to Consider

Hormones have also been known to play a role in the development of PTSD in people. It is said that people who have hormonal imbalance have a higher risk of developing PTSD, particularly those with lower levels of stress-response hormones.

Low levels of the hormone cortisol or hydrocortisone greatly affect a person’s response to stressful and traumatic situations.

The severity of the traumatic event as well as the support that a person who may be symptomatic to PTSD gets from friends and family also play an important role. These influence the level of the stress disorder that a patient may experience following a traumatic event.

Finally, those who have been known to have suffered from other types of mental or psychological disorder, other stress disorders as well as those who may have had an unhappy childhood experience have a greater risk of developing PTSD.


Moving Companies Expert Advice for Anyone who Needs to Relocate

No one knows how much trouble relocation to a new home is better than the people who deal with it every day of their lives. The moving companies who provide moving services to people throughout the nation know more about the hassle and trouble caused by moving than anyone else in the world. That’s why they are the very best resource for anyone who wants to know how to go about moving to a new home while avoiding most of this trouble. Like any good professional, movers love to share the good, and the bad, about their jobs. And because this translates into advice for the common consumer these days, you can walk away a little bit better prepared to handle this rough and tumble time.

This list of ten things are the ten most common things that the movers  hear about from consumers like you. If you are thinking of Umzug Wien, make sure to keep this advice close at hand so that you can stay away from stressful situations and problematic occurrences that often accompany the moving process.

Making a Plan – The best way to avoid trouble when moving is to make a plan ahead of time. Having things written and organized will help you remember everything on the most hectic day of the process. A plan will help you keep everything in order from the beginning of the move to the day you arrive at your new home. Making a moving checklist can also be helpful, so don’t skip this step.

Reserve Your Movers ASAP – When you call to reserve a Vienna moving company too close to the date of your relocation, you run the risk of them not being available. That’s why you need to call early. As soon as you’ve figured out how you are going to move is probably the best time.

Get Rid of Unused Stuff – For both local and long distance moves, the less you have, the cheaper and easier your things are going to be to move. For that reason, make sure to take some time to get rid of unused items that you have been keeping in the attic or the garage. A good rule to follow is if you’ve not used it in the past year, get rid of it.

Get Packing Early – Everyone knows that packing up everything that you own is one of the most time consuming jobs involved in a move. That’s why you need to start packing a month out from the move. If you have things in the attic or things that won’t be used until after you move, you can start packing up even earlier. The less you have to pack as moving day approached, the easier that things will be.

Prepare to Move Pets – All pets are important, which is why people need to plan ahead for the care of their animals throughout the moving process. Animals won’t like the changes going on around them, so hire a friend to pet sit on the big day and consider hiring special pet movers to get your pet to your new home without any hassle.

Hydration and the Big Day – No matter if you plan to move on your own or hire moving companies to do the work for you, make sure that you keep water bottles on hand so that everyone can stay hydrated. Heat related illness can be dangerous, so keep this tip in mind as you prepare for the big day.

Avoiding Damage to Your Home – Take some time to pad the floors and the doorways so that the movers don’t accidentally damage your home just before you move out. You can do the same at your new home as well if you want to have the best experience. Movers are professionals and they are good at what they do, but accidents do happen so keep this in mind.

Relocation Aid – Regardless of which method you plan to use, you will not be able to transport everything into a moving vehicle on your own. As such, ensure you choose the right movers, get help outside of a big relocation corporation, or invite family over for a moving pizza party so that you aren’t lifting all of your heavy stuff on your own.

Don’t Forget the Tip – The best way to tell the people who are handling your goods throughout the process that they’ve done a good job is by tipping them. Make sure that you don’t forget the tip; even if you’ve paid a pretty penny for the move itself, consider the fact that these workers generally never see any of it. Reward great service directly to the workers.

The Importance of Labels – It’s really a good idea to label all of your boxes so that you can not only keep track of them, but so that you know where to put them when you are unloading the truck. Unpacking your home is only made easier when you can organize your boxes in an orderly fashion.

When preparing for your next relocation, keep this advice close at hand. While it might be one of the more difficult times in your life, relocating to your new home shouldn’t be a nearly impossible task. In the end, employing these simple tips can really put you on the right track from the beginning.


Retinol Cream Makes Your Skin Look Younger

Retinol cream is a skin care product that contains Vitamin A. As such, it has several valuable benefits. It is considered a very strong topical cream, so it must be prescribed by a doctor or a dermatologist before you can use it. It can be found in lower percentages in some types of cosmetics and is used in anti-aging products.

Retinol cream is an all natural product and retinol itself can be found in things like fish oil. It can also be manmade as well. It is a fat soluble product and is easily absorbed into the skin. It is also an anti-oxidant, which means it can resist skin damage and help get rid of dead cells and clear the way for new cells to grow.

Depending on the type and the brand of retinol cream, the formulas may be different and have different levels of retinol cream in it.

One of the catches to using retinol cream is that you may have to experiment with different concentrations of it in order to discover the one that works best to help whatever condition you are treating. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist for help in determining the proper dosage for you to use.

Benefits of Retinol Cream

Retinol skin care is used to treat skin problems like acne, as well as to fight against aging of the skin. It does this by increasing the amount of cells in a person’s skin on the top layer of the skin, which helps it to rejuvenate and remove wrinkles.

This makes it look younger, as well as plumper due to more collagen being made. Plus, it helps to fade marks in the skin caused by damage by the sun and can also be used to encourage bone growth. Retinol itself helps improve immunity and increases white cell activity, which can help the body fight disease.

Besides using retinol cream, eating healthy foods helps to keep you skin healthy as well. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. You should also try to get a full eight hours of sleep every night so your body is rested and drink lots of water to help get rid of any toxins in your body.

Possible Side Effects of Retinol Cream

Retinol cream causes side effects in some people who are sensitive to it. Some of these side effects include flakey or red skin and possible itching. It also causes a person’s skin to be very light sensitive and if you use retinol cream you must wear sunscreen so you won’t get sunburned while wearing it for treatment.

One way to possibly avoid this is for you to start using retinol cream very gradually and only put it on every three days at first. Then, slowly build up to using it every night as prescribed. If you do this and still have flakey or peeling skin, then you probably shouldn’t use retinol cream.

You should also wait 30 minutes after washing your face or other part of your skin before you rub on the retinol cream so it won’t cause stinging. Be sure not to put it on close to your eyes or your mouth.


Bosch Dishwasher

If you own a dishwasher, or any other major appliance, you already know the dread that comes with a breakdown. Face it, these things are expensive and often complex to repair, not to mention the downtime that you are going to have to endure while the repairs are taking place. Once you get used to having an automatic dishwasher to do your dirty work for you, it can be traumatic to find yourself up to your elbows in dirty dishwater, even if only for a short period of time.

One of the most renowned names in dishwashers, Bosch, is also one of the biggest sellers. This means that there are literally thousands of people who are going to have to worry about Bosch dishwasher repair at some point in time or another, and because of that, it is reassuring to know that there are hundreds of certified Bosch dishwasher repair shops and independent dishwasher repair Brooklyn NY contractors out there, ready and able to help get you on your way to a once-again functioning dishwasher.


Face it, if you own a dishwasher, it probably takes quite a beating. This is especially true if you have a large family, or  entertain frequently. And even through the course of normal use, a dishwasher is prone to becoming damaged. This is why it is important to know how to contact your closest Bosch dishwasher repair facility – just in case something goes wrong, you will be able to take care of the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.

In addition, it is recommended that regular maintenance be performed on your Bosch dishwasher. This can help to prevent costly Bosch dishwasher repair coming up in the future.

What to repair?

If you notice that your dishwasher doesn’t appear to be working properly, or that something is visibly broken or damaged, it is always advisable to have it repaired as soon as possible. This can help to ensure that inexpensive dishwasher repairs do not evolve into something more costly, or worse, irreparable. It is particularly important to handle any electrical Bosch dishwasher repairs efficiently — remember, water and electricity don’t mix, and can actually become a fire hazard if left unchecked.

Depending on the types of repairs that are required to get your dishwasher in working order, you may be able to handle them yourself. Bosch has a wide array of replacement dishwasher parts available, and many can be changed out with ease in the comfort of your own home. This can help to offset some of your repair costs, as the majority of what you pay for when you hire a professional is labor rather than parts, which tend to be relatively inexpensive.

Business Home

How Taking Advantage of Local SEO Strategies Can Help Bring You Business

There are a lot of websites for every industry. Most companies put together a website and forget it. Often the owner’s son will make the company website in a few hours one day, post it online and then the company will forget it. Some companies go another route and outsource their website to an expensive web designer. They end up with an amazing website with tons of information and beautiful graphics. Sometimes these companies take the time to keep updating the website, and sometimes they don’t.

In either case, these strategies ignore one of the most powerful uses of a website – NEW CLIENTS. If you are a Nashville construction company and no one can find your website unless they type your companies exact name into google, you are literally throwing money into the trash. Think about how people used to find construction companies twenty years ago.

People depended on word of mouth for information, or they just looked in the yellow pages. Well google is the new way people do both of these things. The websites that appear at the top of listings are companies that google respects and people almost NEVER go past the top ten listings in google. In fact more than 80% of people will click on the very first website to pop up.

That website could be you. You could be getting dozens of new leads, every week. All because you hired an Nashville SEO professional – someone who’s sole duty is to help you make a lot more money. Why wouldn’t you want to be part of a project like that? Just think you can leverage the website you’ve already put together. Hiring an Nashville SEO firm costs in the short term, but will pay off MASSIVELY in the long term.

And in this economy, who doesn’t want more business?


How To Activate Chakras

How to stimulate and activate chakras is a million dollar question. It may be that out of the seven major chakras in the human body some of them become inactive or active below par and in this situation; one can consult a seer to diagnose the problem and get things set right.

People resort to various practices and approach seers to get their chakras aroused. Only the genuine and trained seers can guide one in activating of chakras. Many people are duped by imposters claiming to have the power to realign and stimulate a dormant or inactive chakra.

However, there are two ways suggested for the activation and arousal of chakras and those are the right exercises often referred as chakracises and foods. Third Eye Chakra Color is indigo, it influences our capacity to calculate mentally and our sense of judgment.

It also empowers us to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Lofty thinking, poor judgment, paranoia, and a false sense of reality are some of the symptoms of the third eye chakra imbalance.

The true remedy lies in the guidance from a true seer and chakracises consisting of meditations and prayers which could be helpful if performed in the guidance of a trained person. The remote viewing, visualization and lucid dreaming are also part of chakracises which are helpful in correcting the imbalances in chakras.

There are so many chakras related to heart, throat etc, and there are indicators of chakra imbalances in each case which can be corrected to lead a healthy mental and spiritual life. The right food is also helpful in restoring imbalances in chakras. A diet of root vegetables, protein rich foods and spices leads to the activation, stimulation and maintenance of chakras including the third eye chakra.


HVLP Spray Gun

When referring to paint spray guns, this stands for “high volume, low pressure, spray gun”, and these are now among the most popular spray guns currently in use within the automotive and painting industries. HVLP spray guns offer some clear advantages over traditional spay guns, which did not regulate the pressure of the air passing through the gun. While the air pressure in an HVLP gun is much lower than that in a traditional gun, few would consider it truly low.

One feature that separates a true HVLP gun from some other paint spray guns is the presence of an air turbine, which supplies air to the gun while warming and often filtering it. Traditional guns often used fairly standard compressors, which lacked a few benefits offered by HVLP guns, as we shall see. You can now purchase hybrid spray guns that will run on a home or shop compressor system, and though they are sold as HVLP guns, they do lack the benefits of the turbine. Let’s take a look at a few of the advantages offered by an HVLP spray gun:

HVLP Spray Guns Offer Many Benefits

Less Over-spray: Because traditional spray guns did little to regulate the flow of air through the gun, and as such, through the paint, it was pretty common for the air passing through the gun to pick up a bit too much or too little paint on the way through. Because most paint jobs require multiple coats, inconsistent spray wasn’t a problem when too little pain passed through the gun – but over-spray could result in clumping and running, sometimes requiring a whole paint job to be stripped away and restarted. The consistency provided by HVLP spray guns (when properly set up and used) greatly reduces the risk of over-spray.

HVLP Spray Guns Provide Better Air Pressure Control

Less Blow-back: Again owing to traditional spray guns’ lack of ability to regulate air flow, air and paint were ejected from the paint nozzle at a very high velocity. When the paint failed to slow enough on its journey from the nozzle to the surface being painted, the paint particles would sometimes bounce off the surface at high speed, causing inconsistent coverage, blown back paint landing on lower surfaces, and a lot more airborne paint than is ideal. HVLP guns greatly reduce blow-back by ejecting the paint from the nozzle at a more consistent and manageable velocity.

Faster Dry Time: Because HVLP guns allow a lot more user control regarding the amount of paint being sprayed at any given moment, users can apply the minimum paint required to provide coverage, meaning faster dry times. Additionally, true HVLP spray guns with turbines heat the air passing through them, so the paint goes on warm. This also speeds dry time. Who cares about dry time? Primarily those applying multiple coats to smaller surfaces like automobiles. Faster dry times means less waiting between coats.

Filtered Air: HVLP turbines do more than warm the air that they feed to the gun. They filter it, too. Compressors don’t filter the air that they provide very well at all, and can pass dust and dirt through their intakes and out into the spray gun, impacting the quality of the paint job. Compressors also contain lubricating oils that sometimes find their way into their output, which can significantly impact the qualities of fine paint.

Ultimately, HVLP spray systems represent a pretty big leap forward in paint technologies. The guns are frequently seen in auto shops, cabinetry shops, and even on the job site. A good spray gun can save many hours of labor when painting anything from motorcycles to home exteriors. Don’t rush your purchase. Take your time to find the reviews online about the model you wish to buy. There are quite a few review sites, such as Landroverbar –, where you can find a lot of different spray guns with reviews and a good price. Make sure to purchase an HVLP Spray Gun that is suited to the type of job you’ll be doing.


Types of Skiing – Alpine, Nordic, Powder, Moguls, Backcountry

Skiing is a versatile sport which includes many different styles and methods. Although most people associate skiing with snow it can also be done on water, grass, and sand. It can be done on hills or flat terrain, and it can be done with one ski or two. Let’s take a look at the wide world of estilos de esquí.

Alpine and Nordic

The two basic styles of snow skiing are alpine (downhill) and Nordic (cross country). The two types use quite different equipment and require different techniques. That’s not to say that if you do one kind you can’t do the other – many skiers enjoy both Nordic and Alpine skiing at various times.

The main difference in equipment is that Nordic ski boots are attached to the ski at the toe only. This allows the heel to be lifted from the ski to allow a striding motion. Alpine ski boots need to be firmly attached to the ski to offer the most control under high speeds and when turning.

Other differences in equipment include ski boots and skis. Ski boots used for Nordic skiing are flexible and low cut compared to the rigid, high boots used in alpine skiing. Nordic skis are longer and thinner than alpine skis to allow them to glide more easily over the snow.

Alpine Skiing

There are many types of alpine skiing including powder, mogul, off and on piste, as well as specific disciplines like free-style, telemark, speed skiing and ski jumping.

Ski Powder

For many skiing enthusiasts powder is the ultimate. The experience of cutting through light pristine snow cannot be matched, so it’s no wonder that skiers go to great lengths for the chance to ski in powder. Powder snow refers to snow that is light and dry. Skiing in these conditions requires a different technique than skiing on groomed trails. The weight has to be further back on the skis and turns are more gradual. The technical finesse is a pleasure to watch and when done properly, powder skiing can be like floating on clouds.


Moguls are the bumps that form on a ski hill as a result of many skiers following the same paths down the slope. Some hills can become covered in moguls and skiing them requires a specific technique. It is important to maintain control when skiing through moguls. It may be frightening to face a hill full of moguls but the key is to take them at a slight angle and to use your downward pole as a pivot point. Use the spring action of your knees to go over the mogul and pivot around the pole at the same time. Learning how to maneuver moguls on easy and intermediate slopes prepares you for the fun and excitement of fast mogul skiing. Maintaining a rhythm to your turns is a great way to stay in control while mastering a mogul field.

Backcountry Skiing

Experienced skiers sometimes get bored with the groomed trails of ski resorts. The call of the wild beckons. Although backcountry skiing can be exciting and challenging it also has dangers which most ski resorts have removed. Skiers who go backcountry are on their own – there is no ski patrol to get you out of difficulties and the nearest shelter may be miles away. Nonetheless, thousands of people take the challenge of backcountry skiing without any mishaps. Being a strong skier and knowing what to expect are the keys to a successful off-piste excursion.


Replacing Your Old Shower or Bathtub

Giving your bathroom a new feel can be as simple as replacing your old shower or bathtub. Many homeowners would love to completely remodel their bathroom, but simply don’t have the money to do so. By simply upgrading the most prominent part of the bathroom you can achieve a similar feel at a fraction of the cost, not to mention you’ll add greatly to the re-sale value of your home.

Be sure to discuss all of your options with a Lake Charles local professional bathroom contractor. These skilled bathtub contractors will be able to guide you through the entire process, and help you decide exactly what type of bath tub or shower you want in your bathroom. With guidance from a local shower replacement Lake Charles LA contractor your sure to have a new bathtub which not only works well with your bathroom set up, but will also give it a new touch for a fraction the price of complete remodeling.

Think About Your Options

Many homeowners decide to turn their old tubs into walk in showers which can be very nice and easy to use. Consider how often you take an actual bath, materials that will work with your current set up and styles that you prefer, and be sure to discuss these with the contractor you choose for the job. So from tile and slate to cultured marble and anything in between we know the perfect professional to give you an amazing new look…

Shower and Bathtub Replacement

Many homeowners want to have a convenient walk-in shower along with a large Jacuzzi tub. While this is obviously the most sought after set-up, many home’s bathrooms simply cannot accommodate it. Take into consideration a few other options such as combination bathtub and showers, Jacuzzi tubs with full walk-in doors, large walk-in showers with built in seats and many more. Before deciding on everything be sure you will actually use it all. There’s no point in getting a nice sized Jacuzzi tub that will simply collect dust. Discuss all of your options with a local contractor and decide on your best set-up together.