
Top Rated Revolvers

There are many people who may be interested in buying a revolver that has a classic and timeless appearance. These are still very reliable models to use for self-defense, but you will still want to track down some of the best models that are out on the market. The best place to search for guns, ammo, scopes and optics is the internet because gun dealers will display all their inventory on their websites. Keep in mind that you will want to look for a few key features that will define the way that you use the gun.

Smith & Wesson Model 36

The first revolver to consider will be the Smith & Wesson Model 36, which will be one of the most affordable models that you can find. Gun owners also appreciate that this model has a compact size to it, which makes it very easy to carry in a pocket or other small compartment. It can even just make it much easier for you to fire off the gun in general, as this model does not have much kick back to it, which makes it highly preferred among many gun owners.

Ruger Vaquero

The Ruger Vaquero is another model that will please many owners out there. It has a stylish matte black finish to it that is quite impressive. It also has a classic, Western appealing design, and you can actually buy this weapon as a .357 and .45 variety. This revolver is actually fairly unique as far as some models go.

S&W Bodyguard .38Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 38

The Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 38 is another compact model that features some high tech applications to it. Many owners will appreciate that the model simply can be used with one hand. It has very little recoil to it when it has been fired. There are some people who may want to still have a fair bit of stopping power when they fire off their gun. This will be the perfect model for them, so long as they are willing to invest the necessary resources.

Arminius HW 3

Finally, you may want to think about the Arminius HW 3. This is yet another gun that is used by novice gun owners. If you haven’t checked out this line up yet, that may not be a surprise. This is an independent gun manufacturer that has been gradually making a name for itself over time. This particular model has a very streamlined and compact design that makes it perfect for anyone who wants a reliable gun that simply won’t jam on you. It will also be very easy to fit in safety storage areas around your car or home.

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Benefits of Better Water Measurement

Why is selecting the proper water flow meter for your project important? Well, besides the cost of the device itself, the installation cost and the ongoing cost of use and maintenance, there is the hidden and often ignored cost of potential inaccuracies in measurements. Ensuring you’ve selected the device best suited for your application will also ensure the lowest cost of inaccurate readings.

In addition to good measurements for proper billing/tracking, many other benefits come from upgrading your water flow measurement systems. Some of the benefits might not be as easy to see on paper as cost savings, they’re still significant and worthy of consideration when looking at a system redesign or upgrade. Below are some examples of how better water flow measurement using a flow meter will benefit your company or organization:

In the case of a farm, where there are many different needs for water, more accurate accounting and better record keeping helps allocate the available water around the farm and saves money by not wasting.

Accurate water flow meters provide readings to aid irrigation managers with the information they need to best use the irrigation water available and maximize its application while hopefully minimizing any negative environmental impact.

When dealing with an open channel installation, putting in a permanent canal water flow meter structure will minimize the need for current metering. Without a permanent installation, current metering must be performed frequently. Especially after making changes to delivery and to correct for seasonal changes of boundary resistance (affecting the Reynolds number) caused by weed growth or changes in the shape of the channel itself caused by erosion of the bank and/or sediment deposits.

Accurate, frequent and most important, convenient water flow meter readings will improve your ability to gauge seepage losses in unlined, open channels. With the better readings will come the ability to better evaluate the cost and benefits of canal and ditch improvements and upgrades.

Installing permanent water flow meters with the capacity to broadcast their output to remote reading stations will allow for more convenient and frequent readings, and allow for more automation. Lessening the need for manual operation or readings.



Advantages of Wire EDM Cutters

There are lots of new cutting tools and equipment in this modern era, but among them, Wire Electric Discharge Machines or Wire EDM cutters are one of the most advantageous. EDM are sometimes called as electric erosion, spark machines, or die sinking. Typically, Wire EDM is controlled by CNC and CAD/ CAM software for easier process and uses brass wire, graphite or copper as cutter medium. Above other cutting tools, Wired EDM cutters can give you the following benefits.

A Wire EDM cutter can cut more accurately and precisely than any other cutters. A wire EDM is very suitable when cutting a material that needs a very high tolerance. Commonly it cuts metal and other materials with an rpm of 1000 per minute.

Metal fabricators use wire EDM cutter for production of materials that need very high precision and accuracy. Tools and parts of some machinery can be made or cut using this cutting equipment. Wire EDM cutting tools can be used for more economical mass production of precision gages, and templates, gears, cams, extrusion molds, keyways and internal splines, splitting tubes and other complicated and sophisticated shapes for metal fabrication.

Wire EDM cutting equipment can be operated for cutting any materials as long as it is an electrically conductive material, whether it is soft or hard. Wire EDM cutters can metals, such as cold rolled steel, faster than any other conventional machines and cutters. There are also other materials that are very hard to cut, like cast iron and stainless steels, but with wire EDM, these materials can be cut.

Wire EDM cutter is more reliable for repeated processes and manufacturing. One of the wire EDM’s advantage is that it can produce more reliable output when the process is being repeated. The electrode is processed constantly, having the last part identical to the first part of the next operation.

A wire EDM cutter can reduce costs to the manufacturer. A wire EDM cutter leaves the metal or any material being cut smooth and less edgy compared to other conventional machining and cutting processes. A wire EDM cutter can chamfer or make radius for sharp and pointed areas of the finished work piece, which eliminates the use of file or sand to smoothen the edge of the work piece.


What Are Physiotherapists?

Physiotherapists, also called physical therapists (PTs), are healthcare professionals involved with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that can affect your ability to move and perform the activities that you love.

Conditions seen by Vitum Physiotherapists:

  • Sprains (e.g. ankle and knee sprain)
  • Muscle strains (e.g. pulled hamstrings)
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Arthritis (e.g. osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Parkinson’s disease (PD)
  • Stroke
  • Pediatric conditions (e.g. cerepral palsy, spina bifida)
  • Work-related injuries
  • Sports injuries

Physiotherapy Treatments

Sonia Nilsen Vitum Fysioterapi – your personal physiotherapist will ask about your activities that led to your injury and conduct a thorough evaluation to find the actual cause of your condition. Your therapist will then develop a plan of care to address your needs and goals. Physiotherapy treatments may include:

  • Physiotherapy exercises, such as range of motion and strengthening exercises
  • Physical agents (e.g. ice/hot packs)
    Electrotherapeutic modalities such as ultrasound and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
  • Manual therapy techniques
  • Functional training
  • Postural training
  • Gait training
  • Assistive device or adaptive device training
  • Patient / family education

There are different treatment approaches that your Vitum physiotherapist will employ, often, depending on your specific problem or condition. However, success of your physiotherapy rehabilitation depends on your being actively participating in your treatment and your motivation to achieve your rehab goals.

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Bodyguard Security Training

Operatives should have a basic working knowledge of intrusion detection systems, bullet resistant materials, barriers, locking mechanisms, and security lighting. The operative should have a sufficient knowledge of physical security to perform a basic necessary security survey, identify any weaknesses in the physical security, and contact the necessary organizations in order to upgrade the system if necessary.

First Aid

Emergency medical care instruction must focus on those medical emergencies which are most likely to occur with a principal. In particular, training should stress an understanding of the functioning of the body’s respiratory and circulatory systems, heart attacks, bleeding, and shock.

When contracting a security company in London, their close protection (bodyguard) operatives should be capable of providing temporary treatment until EMS arrives on site. Any special considerations must be taken into account, such as operations in high risk areas. In this event, consideration must be given to the type of wounds, injuries or illnesses that may have to be treated in that operation.

Interpersonal and Social Skills

Good manners are important and, unfortunately many people have never bothered to educate themselves in what qualifies as good manners. Some highly qualified operatives have not succeeded in executive protection because they were simply lacking the social graces necessary to work in a close protection environment. It is a fact that executives from multinational corporations are learning social skills in order to better function in the ever expanding global marketplace; why should the close protection operative not be graced with the same social skills? It must be remembered that different cultures have different values and as such, social etiquette is quite different from continent to continent, country to country and culture to culture.

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What Are Shutters For?

Shutters are a great form of window covering and are becoming more and more popular, but what do shutters actually do?

The first and most obvious answer is that shutters aid in the privacy of your home and some of them add an extra layer of security. Shutters can be used to keep prying eyes out but, with many shutters having the ability to have their slats angled, you’ll still be able to see out. Shutters can be used to reduce glare or to regulate the amount of light this will be beneficial to people looking to get Shutters in Perth especially, and can also help with the insulation of your home.

Shutters don’t always have to be used for purely practical reasons. Shutters can add to the style of any room, with many shutter designs being available. There are both interior and exterior shutters, and both can add something extra to your home.

As you can see, shutters can actually do quite a lot for your home and can really add something extra to any room in the house. Make sure to consider all of the above points and make shutters your first choice when choosing window coverings.

Home shutters can be a great addition to any home and are becoming an increasingly popular choice of window covering. Here are just a few things to look for when choosing your home shutters.

Home shutters come in a whole range of styles and designs and can match any room in the house. Interior home shutters can be both functional and decorative, so always look for house shutters that match the room you want them to go in and ensure that they suit the purpose.

If, however, you’re looking for exterior home shutters you’ll have a slightly different set of criteria. Exterior home shutter styles will need to be a lot more robust and will need to be made out of stronger materials, particularly if the house shutters are to be used to protect against storm damage or for security. It is best to consult the professionals, such as the Roller Smart company to determine what kind of shutters you need. You can visit their website to learn more about different types of shutters, the pricing, and about the company – More @ rollersmart.com.au.

As you can see, there are a number of things you need to look for when choosing home shutters, and there are bound to be more. Consider all the points and you’ll be able to choose the perfect home shutters.



Selling Your Patent

As the name implies, selling your patent is a strategy where you sell full ownership of the patent to someone else. This could be an entrepreneur who wants to create a company around the invention, a retailer who wants to sell the invention in stores, or a manufacturer who wants to mass-produce the invention. It is a “quick exit” strategy whereby you wash your hands of the patent and all future responsibility for it in one fell swoop.

Pros of Selling Your Patent: Cash out in one lump sum. No future hassles or involvement with the patent. Leaves you free to move on to the next project or enjoy your payout from this one.

Cons of Selling Your Patent: Possibility of having to watch whoever you sell the patent to reap huge profits from it that far exceed what they paid you.

If you are not business-minded or simply need the money right away, consider selling your patent if you have the opportunity to do so. But remember: entrepreneurs, retailers, and manufacturers are not going to beat a path to your door. In most cases, you will have to approach them. To learn how to get potential buyers interested in your patent, check this InventHelp’s guide for inventors.

Licensing Your Patent

Licensing your patent is a bit more involved than selling it outright. A patent license allows a third party (an entrepreneur, retailer, or manufacturer) to utilize your patent for their own benefit, while you retain ownership of it. This person or company is called the licensee. In exchange for this privilege, the licensee agrees to pay you (the licensor) some agreed-upon amount of royalties. For example, you might grant a manufacturer a 5 year license to use your patent in exchange for 10% of yearly product sales.

A patent license creates an ongoing business relationship between you and the licensee. You will need to be involved at least enough to ensure that they are meeting the performance obligations they agreed to.

Pros of Licensing Your Patent: Enables you to share in the future profits that your licensee may achieve by capitalizing on your patent. Creates a passive income stream.

Cons of Licensing Your Patent: Requires you to stay involved with the patent. Requires you to wait to receive income from the patent (unless you also negotiate an up-front payment into the licensing agreement.)

If you don’t mind the occasional meeting or conference call with whomever you license the patent to, and you are willing and able to wait to receive income from the patent, licensing may be the way to go.

This is only a brief overview of patent licensing. See the InventHelp for more detailed articles on how to value your patent, how to pitch your patent to companies, and how to write good performance obligations into any patent license you sign.

Sell The Invention Itself to Customers

This is the riskiest strategy of the three, and also the most potentially lucrative. Rather than selling or licensing the patent (thereby transferring the responsibility for capitalizing on it to someone else) you take on that responsibility by creating the invention and selling it to customers. This makes you an entrepreneur.

The risk is that you will be unable to convince a retailer to sell your invention or unable to sell it yourself via the web or some other medium. The reward is that, if you can, the profits are yours and yours alone.

Pros of Selling The Invention to Customers: You maintain complete control. You share profits with no one. You make much more money if you can successfully sell the invention to your target market than you would by selling or licensing the patent to someone.

Cons of Selling The Invention to Customers: All of the risk is on you. If you cannot successfully sell the invention to your target market, you stand to lose all the time and money you invested in trying to.

This strategy is best suited for people with entrepreneurial and business backgrounds. If you relish the opportunity to transform a patent from a piece of paper to a thriving business with hard work, networking, and deal-making, this could be the way to go. If you would rather cash out and let someone else do all of that, sell or license the patent instead.

Find help for your new invention idea from online articles on getting an invention on store shelves, who and who not to take investment money from, how to choose the right business partners, and how to fast-track an invention to market.

Again, none of these strategies is necessarily better than the others. It all comes down to what your strengths, weaknesses, and expectations are. The important thing at this stage is that you start thinking about which strategy suits you.


Your First Counselling Session

When you make the decision to attend your very first counselling session, especially couples counselling, it can be a scary and nerve-wracking decision. You may not know how to begin or what to expect. What to expect from a psychotherapy NY therapy session is one of the greatest areas of concerns for those seeking help. However, it is important to know that you can better understand what happens or what to expect as well.

The following information is meant as a guide to those seeking psychotherapy in New York as a way to better ease your mind and help you to be prepared. Preparation is key and this information can help you to really form a great and solid foundation for a successful and healthy, as well as rewarding, psychotherapy session. Use it as a guide and you will be better ready to handle the tenseness and often uncomfortable nature that therapy can entail.

The Individual – First Counselling Session

What you should expect from a psychotherapy session is that you will begin the process alone. Whether it is individual or a marriage counselling process, you will find that it all begins individually. This does not mean that you will do the beginning stages completely without help. Rather, by individual it means you and your therapist. This can be a great time to foster a relationship and really build a long-lasting connection that will help you to begin understanding answers to your questions and the desires and issues that you have.

Usually, these psychotherapy  sessions take place weekly. This consistency is based on the need to really form a bond and a level of trust between the therapist and the patient. Do not expect that it will happen instantaneously and that you are expected to reveal your deepest and darkest emotions and concerns right away. Rather, allow yourself and your therapist and opportunity to grow and really develop an understanding of one another.

Be stretched beyond your comfort level but listen to your instincts if you feel extremely uncomfortable. Instincts matter and you should always listen to yourself and your response. However, if you stretch yourself in therapy appropriately you will find that the rewards that you can take to the next level can be great.

Couples – First Counselling Session

If you are doing couples therapy NYC, you need to know that the knowledge that you gain in the first part of your individual counselling is going to come in very useful. That information is so important to build your relationship to take into a group or couples setting. The topics that are discussed will often be tough to hear and find answers to. The relationship that you have with your therapist can really help in building the answers that you are seeking.

The questions and topics that can come up can range from how to deal with children and the difficulties that they may have to how to handle infidelity. These can be tough but the answers can be found by working together. Other topics can be even harder to handle like abuse or whether or not to leave the marriage altogether. Expect an environment that may get tense but in a controlled environment.

Your psychotherapy NYC therapist will often serve as a mediator so that all can get their opinions out and heard clearly. You can very well expect to say things that you may never have felt comfortable expressing before in your marriage. For this reason, you may need to get emotionally ready to handle it. Again, this is where individual counselling will come into play and help you along the way.

Work Together

Finding a therapist NYC that you can really get along with and connect to is the most important part of therapy. The best way to do this is to really do your research and read others reviews on the issue. You can find what to expect by contacting a therapist and focusing on what you are looking for. Know the questions and issues you want to work on both personally and as a couple. You will find that a plan will be made and you will see great improvements if you are willing and open to the process.


Types of Utility Patent Applications

There are several different types of patent applications, each with its own purpose. Of the types of applications described below, a provisional application is a type of utility patent application; the other types of applications may be filed in utility, design, and plant patent cases.

The Provisional Application

In 1995, Congress created a new type of utility patent application, the provisional patent application. Provisional patent applications are utility patent applications that remain pending for one year and are not examined for patentability. Provisional applications are required to contain a full disclosure of the invention and drawings (if applicable), much like a regular utility patent application, but they do not require claims, nor do the inventors need to sign an oath or declaration in connection with the application.

Basically, a provisional patent application allows an inventor to file for protection and establish a priority date for the application while allowing up to a year to continue to improve the invention. The year of pendency of the provisional application does not affect the term of the eventual patent. Provisional patent applications are most appropriate for those inventors who have a working invention, but who foresee changes or need additional time to complete experimentation or testing. However, if an invention is in its final anticipated form, a nonprovisional utility patent application may be more appropriate. As you can see it is not quite simple and getting professional help from agencies such as InventHelp is highly recommended – more information about InventHelp here.

There may be something of a tendency to think that because provisional applications do not require claims, they are somehow more informal, vastly less expensive, and/or do not require as thorough an effort. That is not the case. Provisional applications are required to meet the same rigorous standards for description as regular utility patent applications, and there are even circumstances in which it behooves an applicant to prepare a set of claims. Those who obtain only a quick or informal provisional patent application often end up buying nothing more than a false sense of security, for it may be found later that a provisional application does not provide enough description to entitle an applicant to claim priority to it.

The Continuation Patent Application

A continuation patent application is a patent application that claims priority to a prior patent application, names as an inventor at least one inventor listed in the prior application, and contains the same disclosure as the prior application. Continuation applications are filed in the course of prosecution for a number of reasons. Perhaps the most common reason for filing a continuation application is to obtain broader patent protection by filing broader or different patent claims than were originally filed in the first application. A continuation application must be filed while the application to which it claims priority is still pending. Don’t get lost and hire a patent agency like Invent Help to help you out – learn why new inventors turn to InventHelp.

The Continuation-in-Part Patent Application

A continuation-in-part (CIP) application is a patent application that claims priority to a prior patent application, names as an inventor at least one inventor listed in the prior application, and contains at least some of the same disclosure as in the prior application. A CIP application may also contain new disclosure that was not included in the prior patent application, and may also contain claims directed to the new disclosure. A CIP application receives the benefit of the prior patent application’s priority date for subject matter that was disclosed in the prior patent application.

A CIP application is usually filed if, during the prosecution of a patent application, new embodiments of the invention are developed that were not included in the original application. Like a continuation application, a CIP application must be filed while the prior patent application is still pending.

The Divisional Patent Application

Patent Office rules generally require an inventor to claim only one invention per patent application. If, during examination, it appears to the patent examiner that more than one invention is being claimed in a patent application, the patent examiner may impose a restriction requirement and require the applicant to select a single invention for examination. Divisional applications are then filed to pursue the “extra” inventions that were denied consideration in the first application. Like a continuation application, a divisional application claims priority to the prior patent application, names at least one of the same inventors, and contains the same disclosure as the prior application. A divisional patent application must also be filed while the prior patent application is still pending.


Drug Treatment Centers

Finding help begins with asking for help. It is vital for you to come to the realization that you have a problem and are truly ready to ask for help. Without you having this epiphany yourself, you will not get better because you do not want to get better.

Once you are finally and truly ready to receive help, there are many people out there who are willing to help you be on the road to recovery and sobriety.

Whether it is a dual diagnosis treatment center or adolescent drug treatment center in Los Angeles, there is a drug rehab Los Angeles facility for every person with an addiction. It is up to you where to go.

One of the first things to think about is the location. You need to decide if you want to check into a rehab facility that is close to home or further away to separate you from the surroundings that led you down the path of addiction in the first place. Some people might choose to stay closer home to be near loved ones and support system.

An important thing to realize is that people want you to get better. They want to help you. They want to see you become healthy. This should really help you in the rehabilitation process, because you know that people want you to see you succeed.

However, none of this can happen until you realize that you have a problem and are ready to reach out for help. You need to want it for yourself before anyone can help you get better and become sober.